Gorgeous Ponderings...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

*It's Sunday. How bout a scripture and a song?

Ezekiel 37:9
Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.

I used to pray on the regular, meaning every morning at 6 am. Having a prayer life was essential to having a close relationship with God for me. However, praying every day was sometimes boring, tedious and tiresome, but it was like an unspoken rule of my churches religion.You also had to pray for a certain length of time. So some mornings I needed motivation to get started. This song would get me to my worship place. Once I got started prayer was okay!

It was easy to call on God and thank him for his many blessings, pray for my loved ones, and of course ask him for help when needed.

At present, that seems like a lifetime ago. It's funny how lifestyles can change for better or worse. I was once a devoted church girl where everything was a sin and everybody was a heathen! I knew the confines of my religion were not quite right, but it's all I knew. Although I don't want that anymore, I do feel like a lost wandering soul. I still yearn for the peace and comfort that comes from having a close relationship with God, a regular prayer life, and a church home. It has been far too long. This time when I find IT I know there is a balance needed because I will have been full circle.

Please pause the player below and listen to the song.


Reggie said...

Yeah how 'bout a lil scripture and some song!!!

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

Hey dude!! Well...there you have it!