Gorgeous Ponderings...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pre-Fall Christian Louboutin's

Barney's sent me an email with a preview of the new Fall LouBou's. Check them out here. Below are A FEW of my favs.

                                                            all images Barney's New York



Jameil said...


K. Rock said...

I actually like all of them...and that never happens.

Anonymous said...

Hot, hot, hot! I'm not a big wearer of heels because I'm clumsy as a linebacker, but I would take the risk to rock a pair of these!!

AR Gal said...

Oh I love that brown wedge! That's right up my alley. I like the oxford but think I would appreciate it more if the toe was closed. Still hot nonetheless.

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

@Jameil in what way? Too high? Too much? Or foot pain?

@K.Rock *smile* Glad you liked!

@mrstdj Aren't they!! Me loves. I used to be so clumsy in heels but I practiced walking. I was determined to master it. I love really high heels.

@ARGal The brown wedge is my fav too!! and my 2nd fav is the open toe oxford. Go figure!


Wedges, oxfords etc all let me know I know nothing of the shoe lingo..lol

However I do like the 2nd shoe and someone's man would love to see the 3rd shoe up in the air (wink)

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

@Toy Hey man thanks for stopping by! The 2nd shoe is the wedge. The last shoe is the oxford. I love a man's perspective. I will be getting that 3rd shoe. I thought it was sexy as well. Thanks!

P.S. I love this... said...

I love the third pair.

Gorg, did you see Twilight today? OMG JACOBBBBBB!! I do NOT envy Bella's decision. I may have to go see it again.. lol

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

@P.S No I didn't go yet. Maybe tomorrow or Friday. My plans were derailed. But I'm going! WoW! it must be really good if you are thinking of going again. I can't wait!