Gorgeous Ponderings...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Freakin Hairtastrophe!!

Okay so in the summer I decided I wanted to go natural. Clearly someone with too much free time
I had a relaxer and my hair was pretty long. But the upkeep was expensive. I used to go to the salon every week. Got bored with that too needed a break. 

Since I've been in the blog world I've found a lot of sites where people have gone natural so I thought I would give it a try.

Long story short... I had not had a relaxer since June. I had a lot of new growth and I wore braids as I transitioned? So theCaptain thought my braids were cute **swoon** but he could not grasp the whole going natural thing. Once I explained it he was like oh hell naw!!! Then there is the BIG CHOP!! You have to CUT the relaxer off.WTF??!!! So I guess I missed the memo on that part. My relaxed hair was to the middle of my back.  I did not cut the relaxer. I don't know. I just couldn't.  I figured I could trim as I go once my natural hair grew out. But my hair disagreed. My new growth and relaxed hair tangled. Aaaaahhh nightmare!!

Long long story short. I went to the salon today and got a relaxer couldn't take the natural any longer and guess what?????? my stylist gave me the BIG CHOP anyway. Cause my hair broke off She was so disappointed. She was like what were you thinking? If you wanted to go natural I could have pressed out your new growth until it grew. So now I have a shorter style it's not at my neck but right before my shoulders. TheCaptain has not seen it yet. Oh Gawd! but he told me I would be cute with short hair too. so we'll see.


gee said...

i love short hair on woman..i be it's cute.

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

@Gee Thanks! It's going to take some getting use to. :)

Jameil said...

yeah i broke my hair off like that, too. that's what made me go ahead and do the big chop. the hair was damaged anyway. why not?

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

@Jameil I think I got scared. I haven't had hair that short ever. The big chop is scary.

P.S. I love this... said...

I'm natural too.. cut off all my hair on Christmas Eve '07. My hair was an inch long.. lol Fast forward 3 years, it's just past the closure of my bra, when flatironed. I'm glad I went natural.. but it's not for everyone. There is a common thread with both natural and relaxed hair.. keeping the hair moisturized. Good luck with your new fab do!

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

@P.S Thanks so much. I really want my length back. I wish I had consulted with my stylist first. But I think this cut will help get started on my way back to healthy hair!