Every since P.S. I Love This (check out her blog her sense of style is FIYAH!!) posted this picture on her blog I've wanted to do a post. It moved me! When I have a baby I would like a healthy beautiful daughter.

I would like to introduce you too Fashionista baby!
She might ride in style in this
with her things carried in this
We can't forget about her little tootsies
or she might ride in this
wearing this
she might drink from this.
or this
and depending on which designer we choose for her carrier, her things might be carried in this.
Miss Fashionista baby has many choices!
blogger is acting up
First, thanks for having one of my favorite Brandy jams on. I know it's a different joint everytime but still I forgot all about this joint.
Good luck with all the expensive baby stuff when you have your baby. Just don't get mad when he/she poops or spits up all over it and the smell won't come out! LOL!
@Ladynay I appreciate the music shout out!
Well I gotta take the good with bad! I know babies can be messy LOL! And stop stepping on my fantasy with reality! Booooo! LOL!
i love babies!
I can't get with the designer baby gear but you completely lost me with the fendi carrier! No ma'am! Lololol. But the baby in the chair? Soooooo cute!!
@Daij Me too!
@Jameil Aww c'mon!!!
Isn't that a cute photo of the baby?? I love the idea for baby annoucements. I didn't know there were Dior baby bottles. =)
I love the items you've chosen for your Fashionista Baby!! That Burberry plaid dress is just too cute.
@P.S. It's a beautiful picture!
Girl yes Dior makes baby stuff! I thought the Burberry dress was too cute. There were a lot of outfits I wanted to post but it would've been long.
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